April Zelcer

April's Top Tip

  • If you struggle to explain the look you want, it's useful to bring in images or Pinterest pins. It even helps to write out a list of why your existing space isn't working for you, and what could change that.
    April Zelcer


Joined The Chervin Family In:

  • May 2019

Previous Industry Experience:

  • Worked for a contractor estimating quotes and putting designs together for residential homes 


I am married with two teen daughters and our loving border collie 


Definitely addicted to Pinterest and I love browsing home magazines

April Zelcer | Sales & Design | Chervin Kitchen & Bath in Muskoka
April Zelcer  Sales & Design  Chervin Kitchen & Bath in Muskoka
April Zelcer  Sales & Design  Chervin Kitchen & Bath in Muskoka

Favourite Projects

I love teamwork when it comes to putting a project together. There was a kitchen island job we did in Georgian Bay that took extra planning, but the outcome was stunning and worth it.

April Zelcer | Sales & Design | Chervin Kitchen & Bath in Muskoka

Personal Style

Current Personal Dream Design:
I love warm earthy tones paired with a painted perimeter in greige, and a walnut island for sure

Happy this fad is over:
Not a fan of the mahogany look or raised panel


Current Hobbies:
Cleaning! Or when I'm at the cottage, I enjoy the lake, fishing, and family time

Hobbies I'd Like To Resurface:
Getting back into kickboxing or a step-class at my YMCA

Favourite Meal

To Cook:
Usually, my husband is the one cooking, but when I do, it’s usually something simple like tacos or nachos

Favourite Mid-Day Snack:
Peanut butter and apples. I have it every day; ask anyone in the showroom

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Part Of The Chervin Family

Chervin Kitchen & Bath is part of a family of companies that work to provide you with inspired interiors through an incredible service experience and the highest product standard.

Artco International Chervin Furniture & Design Vogel by Chervin

The Essential Closet Collection

The Essential Collection by Chervin Kitchen & Bath is where the possibilities are as limitless as your wardrobe. Customize your closet space to ensure every garment and accessory has its perfect place.

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Modern Home Enriched With Natural Wood Elements

Modern Home Enriched With Natural Wood Elements

Posted in Besmir Bërboti, Client Stories

Step into the inviting embrace of a stunning transitional home, nestled in the picturesque surroundings of Collingwood. Here, natural walnut elements seamlessly blend with modern accents to create a harmonious fusion of warmth and sophistication.

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Mastering a Galley Kitchen Cabinet Layout: Space-Saving Strategies

Mastering a Galley Kitchen Cabinet Layout: Space-Saving Strategies

Posted in Design Advice

Transform your galley kitchen into a functional and stylish culinary haven with expert tips on optimizing cabinet layouts. Explore creative space-saving strategies to maximize storage, enhance functionality, and elevate aesthetics in your narrow cooking space. From utilizing vertical storage options to strategic appliance placement, discover practical design ideas tailored to make the most of every inch.

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A Guide to U-Shaped Kitchen Cabinet Layouts for Efficient Luxury Living

A Guide to U-Shaped Kitchen Cabinet Layouts for Efficient Luxury Living

Posted in Design Advice

Efficient and inviting kitchens are essential in any home, serving as culinary workspaces and social hubs. The U-shaped kitchen cabinet layout is widely favoured for its versatility and transformative touch. In this article, we'll explore the features of U-shaped kitchens, offer ideas to enhance both style and functionality and provide design tips for an efficient layout.

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