Paula Lang

Paula's Top Tip

  • Think about the appliances you will want in your finished space, right from the start. Your cabinets are built around your appliances, not vice versa, so it's important to do your research and get quotes, specs, and inspirational photos before we get too far into the design stage. Coming in with an idea of what you'd like to see in the end (or better yet, the specific model numbers) will make the whole process more smooth and efficient for everyone!
    Paula Lang


Joined The Chervin Family In:

  • January 2019

Previous Industry Experience:

  • Business degree in Marketing from a university in Halifax
  • Graduated from Interior Design at the International Academy of Design & Technology
  • Custom cabinetry designs since 2004


I'm married, with two young kids, a boy and a girl


Restaurants and hotels - these places let you find something unique and distinct, and you get to be really creative in the application

Paula Lang | Sales & Design | Chervin Kitchen & Bath in Oakville
Paula Lang | Sales & Design | Chervin Kitchen & Bath in Oakville
Paula Lang | Sales & Design | Chervin Kitchen & Bath in Oakville

What is something you never go a day without?

Talking to my kids!

Paula Lang | Sales & Design | Chervin Kitchen & Bath in Oakville

Personal Style

Current Personal Dream Design:
Bright white spaces; cozy but a little modern; lots of windows and natural light; natural woods in the furniture; pops of colour and black; mixed metals. If you can pull off the eclectic look (so it looks like you’ve been gathering things over time), that’s the best! I have my whole house designed on paper but waiting for the right time to execute it.

Happy this fad is over:
Really ornate designs can work in some contexts but not in general


Current Hobbies:
Playing with my kids; swimming in the pool; running; snowboarding; biking

Hobbies I'd Like To Resurface:
Painting; I’d like to learn to play the fiddle, too (my family from down East is really musical)

Favourite Meal

To Cook:
Usually, my husband cooks the meat and I make the pasta and sides

To Eat:
Anything pasta-related

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Part Of The Chervin Family

Chervin Kitchen & Bath is part of a family of companies that work to provide you with inspired interiors through an incredible service experience and the highest product standard.

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Modern Home Enriched With Natural Wood Elements

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A Guide to U-Shaped Kitchen Cabinet Layouts for Efficient Luxury Living

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